
Sponsored Event – JFRF Golf Tournament

Rock Barn Country Club and Spa
Conover, North Carolina

Young Moore is proud to support this Jessie F. Richardson Foundation (JFRF) event as a gold sponsor.

The JFRF annual golf tournament benefiting Nicaraguan elders is back! The tournament will take place on October 20, 2022 at Rock Barn Country Club and Spa. To view the tournament brochure, click here. For more information about the annual golf tournament, click here.

The Jessie F. Richardson Foundation empowers communities, in resource constrained areas, to provide multi-generational support for underserved older adults. The proceeds of the JFRF Annual Golf Tournament, since its first tee off in 2012, have been used to benefit elders in Nicaragua. Over the years, the funds have been used to provide much needed equipment, develop a pharmacy business, replace water tanks, and to build a national training center for eldercare – the only one of its kind in all of Central America! Perhaps the biggest impact of this support is that, while Nicaragua has experienced political unrest and devastating natural disasters that halted typical channels for donations and services, the elders continue to receive essential items like food, water and medicine.

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