ALFA International Construction Seminar
Building a Better International Mousetrap
“Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” This phrase, attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, has become a metaphor for the power of innovation. In the construction realm, building a better mousetrap starts with an innovative design and bringing it into the world through sound construction, while paying attention to business challenges, and managing risk along the way. This summer, join the ALFA International Construction Group at its symposium, Construire une meilleure piège à souris international—Building a Better International Mousetrap, and participate in the conversation on the strides, business concerns, and risks facing the industry around the world.
Program Co-Chairs,
Robert C. deRosset, Young Moore and Henderson, P.A., Raleigh, North Carolina
Grace Garcia, Morrison Mahoney LLP, Boston, Massachusetts
Young Moore is a member of ALFA International, a law firm network with more than 150 member firms across the country and around the world, allowing us to address our clients’ needs wherever they may occur. Learn more.
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