
deRosset presents at Construction Defect Litigation seminar

On May 18, Robert C. deRosset was a faculty member at Construction Defect Litigation: From A to Z, a one day continuing legal education seminar in Raleigh, North Carolina. Bob gave two separate one hour presentations to the construction lawyers and paralegals who attended. The first, “Anatomy of a Defect: What it is and the Rules that Apply”, dealt with the common types of construction defect claims and the laws, regulations, and legal doctrines that control them. The second, “Litigation: Allegations, Defenses, and Proving Your Case,” explored the practical side of litigating defect claims. Bob drew on his experience as a construction lawyer practicing in North and South Carolina, as well as his insight into alternative dispute resolution gained as a lawyer certified by the North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission to conduct mediated settlement conferences in Superior Court cases to make the presentations relevant to those who practice construction law. Bob can be reached at (919) 861-5099 or

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