
An Oasis in the Workers’ Compensation Desert – An ALFA International Event

Mountain Shadows Resort
Paradise Valley, Arizona

ALFA International 2018 Workers’ Compensation Seminar

Handling and defending workers’ compensation claims can often feel like traveling through a desert, low on water and without a compass. This program is designed to serve as an oasis in that desert for your journeys through difficult and challenging claims.

In this interactive workshop seminar, attorneys who specialize in workers’ compensation defense litigation, along with managers of workers’ compensation programs for regional and national companies, will debate and discuss many of the current and relevant topics faced in workers’ compensation programs. Some of the key topics to be addressed are:

  • Effective techniques in dealing with our aging workforce
  • Dealing with sexual harassment issues in the workplace
  • The use of social media to establish additional information relevant to fraud issues and claims management

Young Moore attorneys, Dawn Dillon Raynor and Jeffrey T. Linder, are presenters at this event.

For more information, download the brochure.

About ALFA International

ALFA International is the premier network of independent law firms. Founded in 1980, ALFA International was the first and continues to be one of the largest and strongest legal networks. ALFA has 150 member firms throughout the world. 80 U.S. firms represent 95 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas. 70 international firms are located throughout Europe, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Africa, Canada, Mexico and South America.

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