Insurance Defense
We provide a defense that clients can count on.
At Young Moore, we’re proud of our roots in representing the insurance industry. We provide services in all areas of tort, insurance defense and insurance law practice. For more than 50 years, we have represented the industry in all types of negligence litigation and insurance coverage practice (See Product Liability; Professional Liability; Medical Malpractice Defense; Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith Litigation; Life, Accident and Health, Disability, Insurance and Reinsurance; Nursing Home/Long Term Care Litigation, Environmental Litigation, Trucking and Transportation and Workers’ Compensation.) We also represent the industry in rate-making and government regulation of the industry (See Insurance Regulation).
We have a long-established and mature appreciation for the unique goals and objectives of the insurance industry in handling claims and litigation, and for the concerns of the industry over maintaining control over the direction and cost of litigation. We recognize the need of the claims professional to establish and maintain a close working partnership with defense counsel so that litigation can be managed and directed based upon clearly identified, case-specific goals, with costs and benefits continually evaluated.
At Young Moore, our expertise in insurance defense has earned us a solid and credible reputation among personal injury and defense attorneys and judicial personnel throughout the state. We are known for vigorously trying lawsuits, achieving favorable settlements and avoiding trials when feasible.
We also advocate and encourage the timely use of alternative dispute resolution to settle cases and avoid unnecessary litigation expense. When trials are necessary, we employ advanced techniques in case management and in courtroom visual aids including sophisticated exhibit displays for photographs and documents, scale models, computer models, and computer animation.